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Rated X Wrestling - MySpace


Damn Thats Wrestling - MySpace


Regional Championship Wrestling - MySpace

WPW World Professional Wrestling

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Pro Wrestling Between The Sheets
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Wrestking Belt World
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Chio Frost - www.myspace.com/chio247  

Rican Havoc - www.ricanhavoc.fws1.com

Jo Jo - www.myspace.com/jojowrestling

Dark Karnival - www.myspace.com/jojochio

Flamingo Kid Pinky - www.maxpages.com/pinkyfk

Draven Blaze - http://dravenblaze.tripod.com

Playboy Vince Bono - www.myspace.com/vincebono

Jack Bailey - www.jackbailey.net 

Rockin Rebel - www.rockinrebel.com

Showtime JT Roberts - http://showtimejtr.tripod.com

3XS Scott Richards - www.themitch.net

White Lotus - www.onewhitelotus.com

Mack daddy Ron Starr - http://www.ronstarr.freeservers.com

Mighty Quinn Nash - http://clix.to/quinnnash

New Jersey Indy All Stars - http://njindyallstars.cjb.net

Steve The Teacher - www.stevetheteacher.com

Rikki Lane - http://www.geocities.com/rikkilaneaawf